Social impact on Art Education: Learning Through Play
Learning through play is a powerful way that children can acquire essential knowledge and skills. However, due to the lack of understanding of the value of play, many people tend to believe that play is frivolous and it takes time away from ‘’true learning’’. juliArt, as one of the initiators of caring for rural education, works with a non-profit organization to improve education in rural areas.
Activate the Creativity Through Games
This August, juliArt’s team traveled to Nantou, the second largest county of Taiwan, to promote learning through play by encouraging children to disassemble toys that were about to be discarded. This enables children to find meaning and make sense of the world around them by connecting it to things that were already known. Children were initially asked to bring toys that were no longer needed to the classroom and share toys. This process allowed them to express their ideas and thoughts, how to control their emotions, and interact with others. juliArt team then continues to introduce the materials of toys and educate children about recycling and make them aware of the environmental issues. When kids have a better understanding of why recycling is crucial in protecting the planet, the more chances they will actively protect the environment through recycling.
Motivates Children to Explore and Discover Something New
On top of that, juliArt team takes our products- DELTA shampoo as an example to illustrate how the shampoo bottles were made of recycled materials and made them associate with the toys that they are playing with. In the process of disassembling toys, kids realized that toys are assembled by tiny screws and bolts. They were amazed by the power of the magnet, which in turn, motivates them to explore and discover something new through meaningful and joyful play.
In conclusion, children gained essential knowledge and skills through disassembling toys. They also become more aware of climate change and how to save the planet through recycling. juliArt will continue to take action to help children in rural areas to acquire new knowledge and how they can apply what they learn in real life.