Why do juliArt products need to be proofed by IRB (Institutional Review Boards) efficacy Test?
Before we go into details, let’s establish a concept:
“adding effective ingredients does not mean that the product is effective, and just because a product is effective does not mean that it is effective when used on humans.” Only through human testing can we prove that it works in the human body.” This efficacy report is an important tool in choosing the right care products.
When it comes to adding “active ingredients”, the efficacy of the ingredient itself is sought, but there is no legal guarantee as to whether the added ingredient will have a corresponding effect on the human body. The reason why it is called an effective ingredient is because the ingredient itself has been tested and proven to have effects such as oil control, antioxidant, antibacterial or hair growth, but these are all effects “before they are added to the product”.
Human efficacy testing plays an important role to determine whether a product is effective in delivering its promised results. Efficacy testing is also important in ensuring that a product is safe for human use. These reports are essential in order to protect consumers and ensure that they are getting what they expect from a product.
Therefore, the best way to determine the effectiveness of a product is to test it on humans. However, in order to conduct experiments on human beings, we must go through a strict gate-keeping process, the IRB, or Institutional Review Board, a committee that reviews and approves all research involving human subjects.
The product and the safety of the experiment as well as the protection of the rights of the subjects must be confirmed by the human test committee of the authorities. Due to the complexity and cost of the process, most commercially available products are not tested for effectiveness.
“juliArt Hair Revitalizing ECHO system works. ” – IRB Test Result
The ECHO hair revitalizing series has undergone many hurdles and audits, and the human effectiveness tests have finally been released.
To confirm the effectiveness of the products on the human body, juliArt passed the examination of the committee and conducted a 180-day human effectiveness test on the ECHO hair revitalizing series, formulated with NcPA, to confirm the improvement in hair volume and density. Here is the study summary:
Study on the efficacy of juliArt ECHO scalp care
CISPER Hair Revitalizing ECHO system
Contract period: 15 January 2021 to 30 November 2022
Executing institution: Department of Applied Cosmetology (Master Program), Hungkuang University
The ECHO hair revitalizing series was put to the test, and it was proven to be effective in human trials, helping to promote a healthy scalp environment for beautiful hair. The efficacy report shows that the products in the ECHO hair revitalizing series can help to inject some life into the hair follicles. The treatments enhance the scalp’s moisture retention and elasticity, strengthen hair follicles, and reinforce fine hair roots. Also, kindly note that the products do not contain any drug properties.
Under this concept, we can further understand whether ECHO hair revitalizing series is effective. The key ingredient, NcPA, is extracted from soybeans- not only effective for boosting hydration on the scalp but also powerful in stimulating hair growth. If this ingredient is to be added to the products, will it really have such an incredible effect? juliArt decided to go a step further and prove it with “human effectiveness testing”.
This efficacy report summarizes the results of our study, in which we applied the active ingredient NcPA to volunteers for 180 days.
The study was conducted double-blind, with volunteers randomly assigned to receive either the active ingredient or a placebo. Our results showed that the active ingredient NcPA is effective in increasing levels of hyaluronic acid, collagen, and cell activation in the body. We also found that NcPA is safe and well-tolerated by human volunteers. These results suggest that NcPA is a safe and effective ingredient for use in treatments.
Alopecia grade: level 4 to level 2
We can see that the ECHO system really helps his hair density after 180 days.
Alopecia grade: level 4 to level 2
We can see that the ECHO system not only improves his hair density but also make his hair shiny and healthy.
Miracle of NcPA
Improving hair density by nourishing your scalp. The non-medicated treatment contains the hair-growing patented ingredient- NcPA to improve moisture retention and enhance hair strength, elasticity, and volume. Learn more from Miracle of NcPA
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