During pregnancy your body goes through so many changes, and these can affect your hair and scalp. Sometimes these changes work out for the best – your hair can become extra thick, silky and shiny during pregnancy thanks to pregnancy hormones! However, sometimes our bodies have different plans – instead of luscious and bouncy, our hair can become dull, flat, thin or patchy during or after pregnancy.
And, while most women’s hair does go back to normal after a year or two, there are a few things you can do in the meantime if you want to speed up the process of hair regrowth by caring for your scalp and hair during and after pregnancy.
Keep reading for three ways to care for your scalp and hair during your pregnancy and three ways to care for your scalp after pregnancy.
How to care for your scalp and hair during and after pregnancy
3 ways to care for your scalp and hair during pregnancy
Moisturize your scalp.
Dry scalp during pregnancy is common. To help with this, you may wish to use a specially formulated scalp spray or a natural option like coconut oil. Massage into your scalp as needed to replace and supplement scalp hydration.
Maintain a healthy diet and take any prenatal vitamins recommended by your doctor.
Our bodies know that attractive hair, skin and nails are not absolutely vital to our survival, so if our body has limited nutritional resources available, it is going to prioritize keeping a baby healthy over our hair. So making sure you’re getting enough nutrition is key!
Stay away from products with artificial fragrances.
We’ve all heard that women can become extra sensitive to smells during pregnancy, but the skin of your scalp can also become more sensitive due to hormonal changes. To avoid irritating your scalp or causing a reaction, it may be helpful to stay away from any products that contain artificial fragrances.
3 ways to care for your scalp and hair after pregnancy
If you are experiencing unwanted scalp or hair changes during or after pregnancy, you’re not alone. This is a common problem that affects women worldwide, and thankfully there are many solutions! By maintaining a healthy diet, following vitamin recommendations from your doctor, being careful not to damage your hair and using the right products, many women successfully avoid further hair loss or can even begin to regrow their hair. Reach out to juliArt if you would like to purchase special-formulated hair products to help keep your hair and scalp healthy during and after pregnancy!
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